Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Smokestack Steeples

Hey, just wanted to point folks in the direction of the blog of my new writer and chum Josh Jabcuga. He'll be chronicling all things Mummy related over there, so give it a look-see at some point and drop him a line. Josh also wrote a very well-received 'Scarface' prequel book for IDW, 'Scarface: Devil in Disguise' with lovely noir artwork by Alberto Dose, you guys should seek out the trade. Read more about the creation of that book over at Joshua's ongoing column at Comics101 - 'Joshua Jabcuga's Squib Central'. Josh covers all sorts of topics in the column archives and they're well worth a read. Tell 'im Mooney sent ya!
Here's the cover for Mummy 2, just to give you vultures something to gawk at. I don't like this one quite as much as the covers for 1 and 3, mostly because Lisa wasn't available to colour it and I think it misses that a little. Still fun to draw though, I could pop out pictures of Rick O'Connell for days. Sigh... he's so dreamy.


Declan Shalvey said...

He sure is dreamy.

I read some of his columns this mornin; he seems to have an eye for what's good and what's not. Reckon i'll go back and check out the Scarface book.

Rich said...

Another great cover Moon, even with out Lisa's great colours. You realy are doing some of your best work on this book.

Man I've got to stop kissing your arse, people will start talking.

jamie said...


Stephen Mooney said...

Cheers guys! Was a bit on the fence with this one but folks seem to dig it. Just starting into Issue two of Mummy and the script is really rather good.

Bob Byrne said...

Cover is sweeeet

Stephen Mooney said...

Hey there Bob, thanks man! Oh, everybody check out Bob's new opus, 'Mr. Amperduke'. Brilliant stuff. There's a link to his site in the links section where you can order it. Can't recommend it highly enough.

Yer_man_in_japan said...

Hi Steve,
David McDermott, a blast from the past here. I saw the link to your blog on Bob Byrnes site. Its fantastic to see what you are up to.
Deadly stuff! I will eagerly keep checkin in. Bobs stuff is fantastic too, he is pure mentalist.

Stephen Mooney said...

Jaysis, Dave McD! Long time no nuthin, man, how are you? Great to hear from you! How goes the land of the rising sun? Have you taken a polite wife? What're you workin on over there, still game-related 3D stuff? It's mad you should get in touch today, heading out to Christian's 30th this evening. Ah, memorieeees...

Yer_man_in_japan said...

No, wife as of yet.Things are grand here in japan,
I will have to write a proper long email.Still doing 3d ish stuff.Thanks for reminding me of Christians birthday!

Fran Johnston said...

good stuff but whats going on with his nose? looks like odo from deep space nine.

Scribbler said...

Yiu're right there Fran, theres a touch of the Karl Malden's about this piece! Happy birthday Christian, who the hell are ya?