Hey. I've had a few people get onto me now wondering what the story is with ordering the Angel sketchbook off me, so here's the skinny. The book itself is 84 pages and costs 10.00 euro. The postage and packaging(anywhere in the world) would be another 5 euro, so you're looking at 15 quid altogether. The book turned out really nicely and I'm very happy with it, so it does come recommended, if only by Brian and I!
Fire an email off to stephencmooney@gmail.com if ye're interested.
UPDATE- Oop, meant to say that my preferred payment system is paypal, but sure we can work something out if needs be. We're all friends here.
Yay! I'll get money on the 25th.
I assume it's still 5 euro for 2 books?
i heartily endorse this event or product.
Yep Skytte, that should be grand.
Waves hand in the air.
Me too! I'm ordering one.
Is there any chance of paying some extra cash for a personalized sketch on the inside cover or something like that?
Hmm... here's the thing. I don't feel right charging for sketches when you're already paying for the book, so I'd like to throw a sketch in free. But then if I do it for one person I'd hafta do it for everybody(I've already got quite a few orders), and I just don't have the time right now to do that. Tell you what, send me an email and I'll see what I can do.
This looks amazing! Going to have to save myself some money and order one before all the cool kids snap them up. eeeek. Great work MoonDog - Awesome!
Sorry Scoobs, I'm pretty sure they're sold out.
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