I'll be finishing up on the book I've been working on for the past while next week, and I just wanted to stick up a panel from one of the pages. This hairy li'l fella is about the only thing I can show without actually spoiling anything, since as far as I know IDW still haven't actually announced the book and I don't wanna jump the gun. Had fun drawing this, as bugs are just put together so well, fantastic design there, nature old chum. Next week I start work on a short story for an Irish magazine scripted by none other than the mighty Bob C. Byrne! That should be fun, as I LOVE his stuff and really wanted us to work on a project together. Yes, that sounds wankey, no, I give nary a rat's arse. Then, on the 1rst of January work on my next series for IDW begins, and its a doosy.
That's Spiderific.
Bit gross tho. Spiders don't bug me (geddit?) but giant ones do freak me out a bit. When i see them that is.
Nice one Steve,
'Sposed ta be gross. You're gross.
Thats great man, really like it
Cheers Williards! Is the 28th nailed down now?
Gross like your face!
My flights are booked, so i hopes it's the 28th!
Must be so! I assumed you checked that with Will-I-Am?
that looks really great!
what magazine are you doing the comic with Bob for?
I embarrassingly can't remember the name... I'll post it up here once I find it again. Something internet-related.
Oh Steveypoos thats great. Here check this out. Actually everyone who reads this should have a look at this, with the possible exception of Thompson (he'd cry). I laughed my ass off all day yesterday, seriously!! walking up the street after work I got a fit of the giggles because of this. And the most amazing thing is, he articulates so well what everyone is thinking. Anyhoo see ya friday!
Man, he really does a good job of demolishing Liefeld's ability... wow. Very articulate too. And I gotta admit I laughed out loud like 5 or 6 times. Still, can't help respecting Liefeld's sheer tenacity though, everybody craps on him and he keeps churnin it out all the same. Awful, awful artist though.
Ya know what? At the end of the day you're absolutely right. He, despite his sheer lack of ability, still made a success out of himself which is a whole lot more than many many people can say. But my god I laughed my ass off. The part where Domino and Cable are in the bath and the guy is takin the piss outta how Liefeld has drawn her legs. "like weird lookin loaves of bread" HAAHAHAHA
And ye know what else? I was one of the ninety gazillion spotty teenagers that bought youngblood one... the shame! Although Thomps bought X-Force one, that's worse...
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