Been working on and off on a Judge Dredd sample in my spare time(cos I sure have loads....). Here's the splash page inked up. I posted the pencils for this bad boy here a while back, but due to my complete lack of webby acumen I have no idea how to make a lil' link to it. It's in here somewhere.
Wow, thats just great Steve
was expecting him to be standing there with his lad in his hand havin a jimmy riddle seeing as its a "slash" page.Bwa ha ha!
Don't mind fran. Its a very nice picture. FRAN!!! Leave Steven alone. Jeez
Heh Adam called you 'Steven'. I like it, the speech bubble is a nice touch. I still think you could stand to chunk out the outlines of the guys in the foreground a good bit. And rastify them 80% or so.
I'd agree with Thompson. Still, I think this is the best panel I've seen you draw, its class. I'll be shocked if they dont hire you on the spot
Think you're both right, I'll go back and bring the foreground guys out a bit more before it's due.
And Adam always calls me 'Steven', it's his inherent american-ness I guess.
Do the Stephens not like when their names are steve-inated?
Great piece Steve, although i just told you that on Skype, so me typing it here is a bit pointless.
Now get working on the piece Fran described.
Am I really that Yankafied? Really?
Nah, just paranoid
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